photo: Monastiraki, Athens, Greece, December 2000

Our more than a dozen years together have taken us to many destinations both near and far.
The next dozen will be even better!

To Faith: "There's only ONE thing TO say, THREE words FOR you, I love you"

-Plain White T's 1,2,3,4

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Watkins Glen Gorge, New York, July 2010

We took a trip to upstate New York, which happens to be where I lived from the time I was in 6th grade until I graduated high school.  I took Faith to all my old haunts including the Watkins Glen Gorge.  The gorge is 400 feet deep and we started at the bottom (where we took this picture.)

This is one of the many waterfalls along the trail.  I sort of didn't tell Faith what to expect, so she was very excited at the site of the first waterfall and it went up from there :)

Kevin and Kenny had alot of energy along the trail.  They would run ahead to check something out, then run back to tell us, then walk to it with us.  If my calculations are correct they did the trail twice in each direction :)  As you can see, that didn't even phase their photogenicness (not sure if that's a word...)

This one was taken closer to the top.  As you can see Kevin and Kenny are having fun :)  I'm not sure how she does it, but Faith lights up when she's near a waterfall.

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